1.Chat Commands
Chat type | Mark |
General | : |
Shout | ! |
Party | ; |
Expedition | ; |
Guild | # |
Master | & |
Alliance | $ |
Whisper | " |
- You can have 1:1 conversations with characters registered in the [Friend List (shortcut key F)] through the messenger window.
- Click a friend's character name in the [Friend List] and select the [Chat] item to open the messenger window.
※ You can only add the character you want to add as a friend if they are connected to the same server group/channel.
※ If the character name in the friend list is gray, the character is not connected and conversation is not possible.
- You can have a 1:1 conversation by entering the conversation details in the input box at the bottom of the messenger window.
※ Even if the connected channel is different, 1:1 conversation is possible through messenger.