
Key Points > Socket

1. What is a Socket?


- Using socket stones, you can add various options to items with sockets.

- Depending on the type of item, there can be 1 to 4 sockets.



Max Number of  sockets

Item type


Bracelet, Pet


Dagger, Wand (partial), Guard Arm, Belt, Wings


Swords, Axes, Mace, Twin Swords, Wand, Blood Whip, Shield


Great Sword, Great X, Great Mace, Bow, Crossbow, Staff, Gauntlet, Spear,

Orb, Scythe, Falchion, Katar, Dual Blade, Seal force, Blast, Pierce,

Armor, Helmet, Gloves (Epic), Pants (Epic)

 There are some items that do not have sockets. EX) Boots, necklaces, earrings, etc.


2. Socket Stones Enhancement


A. Click on the socket stone you want to enhance and drag onto the item.


B. Click again on the item where you want to enhance the socket stone.


C. Confirm the socket stone enhancement by clicking the [Confirm] button.


※ The socket stone enhancement has a 100% success rate without any risk of failure.

※ Some socket stones are specific to certain types of items and can't be enhanced onto other items. EX) Sardonyx: exclusive socket stone for helmet armor.


3. Socket Refinement


·  Using socket refinement, sockets can even be added to items without sockets.

·  NPC Carmen (Alchemist) is responsible for socket refinement in Ardeca.

·  The success rate of socket refinement can be increased by adding socket stones. (A maximum of 5 stones can be added at 5% each)



Upon failing socket refinement, one socket will be destroyed, and if a socket stone is equipped, it will be destroyed as well.

Wing sockets require Liberty Essence to be refined.


4. Removing Socket Stones


- Using socket stone removal, socket stones can be removed from sockets.

- Socket stone removal can be performed through the NPC Carmen (Alchemist) in the Ardeca region.

- Additional socket stones or agates can be added during socket stone removal to increase success rates. (3% per socket stone, 6% per agate, up to 5 additional items).


Socket stones will be destroyed if removal fails, and the socket hole where the removal was attempted will also be destroyed.


5. Socket Stones Recycling


· Using the socket stone supply machine, you can acquire new socket stones after disassembling unused ones.

· In Ardeca, you can access item disassembly and the Socket Stone Supply Machine through the NPC Carmen (Alchemist).


* Disassembling Socket Stones


- Depending on the socket stone's grade, you will receive varying amounts of Socket Powder.

- Depending on the grade of the crest socket, disassembling will yield different amounts of Crest Powder.

- Depending on the grade of the skill book, disassembling it will yield different amounts of Gniar's Stolen Scroll

- The disassembly process allows for the registration and disassembly of up to 10 items.


* Socket Stone Machine


- Socket Stone Supply Machine provides regular Socket Stones, Pet Socket Stones, and Crest Machines.

- As an equipment Socket Stone, 1st Machine consumes 200 Socket Powder and 10,000 DIL.

- The Pet Socket Stone Machine consumes 300 Socket Powder and 10,000 DIL.

- The Crest Machine consumes 200 Crest Powder and 10,000 DIL.


* Socket Stone Lock


- Socket Stone Locks can be acquired in dungeons.

- Socket Stone Locks can be used with the 1st Machine and the Crest Machine of the Socket Stone Supply Machine.

- When using the Socket Stone Supply Machine, you can lock unwanted socket stones by clicking on them.

- Each time you use the Socket Stone Supply Machine; you can lock up to two socket stones.

-To unlock a locked socket stone, simply click on the locked socket stone again.


6. Socket Plier System  


-Upon removing a socket stone from an equipped item, the socket stone is extracted and returned to the item with a 100% success rate.                     

- When using the Socket Pliers item to remove a socket stone, there is a chance the socket hole may be destroyed.

- Socket Pliers can be used to remove socket stones from weapons, armor, wings, bracelets, and belts.               

- You can also use other socket stone removal aids, such as Stonemason's Breath, Argate, and Socket Stone at the same time.                                       

- Socket Pliers can be used to remove socket stones from weapons, armor, wings, bracelets, and belts.


7. How to use the Socket Pliers


 Bring the socket pliers and the necessary DIL to the "NPC Carmen" in Ardeca. Choose the [Remove Socket Stone] option when you initiate a conversation.

 Click on the item from which you wish to remove the socket stone, then click on the Socket Pliers for confirmation.                                                                         

 Click the Remove button to attempt the extraction of the socket stone applied to the socket hole.

 Socket Pliers have a 100% chance of retrieving socket stones. The failure penalty, however, may cause the socket hole to be destroyed if the socket stone is not removed.                                                                             

The success rate shown during socket stone removal indicates the chance of safeguarding the socket hole.

Socket stones destroyed without the use of Socket Pliers cannot be recovered.

Ensure your inventory has enough space before using Socket Pliers.

Game Level Information

Dekarons are PG 15

Banned Dekaron(LIGHT) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels PG 15 Classification Number No. CL-080924-002
Rating Date 2008.09.24 Game Production Registration number No. 2016-000014

Dekarons are Not available to youthThis is a game product..

Banned Dekaron(HARD) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels Not available to youth Classification Number CL-070307-010
Rating Date 2007.03.07 Game Production Registration number 2016-000014