
[Announcement] Patch Details for November 21, 2024
| 24.11.20 12:20 | Views: 56,855


From the Dekaron Operations Team.

We are pleased to inform you of the patch details to be implemented after the

scheduled maintenance on November 21, 2024


 - Balance Patch: to reduce performance gaps between classes and address inconveniences, some classes balances will be adjusted to improve

■ Class Balance Update

1. Key Changes

  1) Improved Energy-Based Skill Mechanics 

     - Adjustments have been made to prevent blocking from occurring when using energy-based skills. Similar to elemental magic attacks, blocking

      will no  longer occur for these skills.

  2) Monster Combat Damage Reduction Adjustment

     - The current mechanic where 100% damage reduction caused all attacks to result in "MISS" has been revised. The maximum damage reduction

       effect will now be capped at 90%.

  3) Revised the skill explanation terminology, replacing "monster damage reduction" with "PvE damage resistance" and "PK" with "PvP damage

      resistance" for clarity and consistency.

2. Changes by Class

[ Azure Kinight ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Sharpen spiritDuration Change60sec120sec
Grandis Eques - 5
Velox Eques - 5
Health spritDuration Change60sec120sec
Air spiritDuration Change60sec120sec
Point target
Buff Effect ChangeMelee Atk+9%
Magic Atk+9%
Range Atk +9%
Melee Atk+15%
Magic Atk+15%
Range Atk +15%
Grandis Eques - 10
Velox Eques - 10
Max Lv ExpansionLv5Lv10
Shoulder ChargeDuration Change7 sec10 sec
Grandis Eques - 5
Velox Eques - 5
Storm Wave
Casting Range Reduction5 cell3 cell
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Soul BladeSkill Atk Power Increase--
Violence prickSkill Atk Power Increase--
Velox Eques
Debuff Effect ChangeCritical -500Crit Res -30%
Velox Eques - 10
Duration Change3 sec5 sec
IdipierAnimation Time Reduction--
SlimbitAnimation Time Reduction--
Moon shining storm
Debuff Effect ChangeMovement Speed -50%Immobility
Duration Change3 sec2 sec
Hit Count Change7 hit14 hit
Hit Timing Reduction--

[ Segita Hunter ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Fire bullet
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Heavy Rain - 5
Magnum Shooter - 5
PVP Atk Power Increase
Duration Change2 sec3 sec
Crazy arrow
Skill Atk Power Increase--
PVP Atk Power Increase
Rapid Explode
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Animation Time Reduction--
Hit Timing Reduction--
Heavy Rain
HaiasAnimation Time Reduction--
Heavy Rain - 10
JersitaAnimation Correction-Removal of movement
caused by skill usage
DisminuaAnimation Time Reduction--
Magnum Shooter
ConciantDuration Change1 sec3 sec
Magnum Shooter - 10
Debuff Effect addition-Stun
Debuff Effect addition-2 sec

[ Incar Magician ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Shield orb shizBuff Order Adjustment--Force Master - 10
Elemental Lord - 10
Urzer Gain
Buff Effect ChangeAbnormal Res +50%Abnormal Res +40%
Force Master - 10
Elemental Lord - 5
Duration Change75 sec45 sec
Aqua CircleAnimation Time Reduction--Force Master - 15
Elemental Lord- 10
Trans-UPEnergy FlarePVP Atk Power Increase--Force Master - 5
Elemental Lord - 5
Force MasterPin BlessBuff Effect ChangePhysical Res +20%Physical Res +5%Force Master - 10
Elemental Lord
Fire mass
PVP Atk Power Increase
--Elemental Lord - 10
Duplace--Elemental Lord - 10
Inor--Elemental Lord - 10

[ Vicious Summoner ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
DominationSacra MasteryEffect ChangePVE damage res +35%PVE damage res +55%Noir Venom - 10
Synthetic Bringer - 10
SummonSummoner's MasteryEffect Addition-PVE damage res +50%Noir Venom - 10
Synthetic Bringer - 10
Fury explosionBuff Duration Change5 sec (Same for Lv 1~5)12 sec (Based on Lv 5)Noir Venom - 5
Synthetic Bringer - 5
Familiar spirit
Cooltime Change20 sec16 sec
Noir Venom - 5
Synthetic Bringer - 5
Debuff effect durationPoison res rate -700Poison res rate-903
Hit Count Change4 Hits6 Hits
Skill ATK--
Giant fistHit Count Change4 Hits5 HitsNoir Venom - 5
Synthetic Bringer - 5
Synthetic BringerLafayetteAnimation Time Reduction--Synthetic Bringer - 10
Synthetic Bringer
Hit Count Change7 Hits14 Hits
Synthetic Bringer - 10
Hit Timing Reduction--

[ Conserra Summoner ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Fury Explosion
MP Consumption Change172176
Creatrix - 5
Whispering Death - 5
Buff Duration Change5 sec (Same for Lv 1~5)12 sec (Based on Lv 5)
Familiar spirit

DeBuff Duration Change2.5 sec7 sec
Hit Count Change4 hit6 Hit
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Giant fistHit Count Change4 Hits5 Hits
Shadow Krieg
Invisible Shadow
Cooltime Change30 sec60 sec
Creatrix - 1
Whispering Death - 2
Invisibility Duration ChangeLv 1 - 30 sec
Lv - 45초
Lv 1 - 20 sec
Lv 2 - 30 sec
Buff Duration Change20 sec40 sec
Shadow Krieg
Breath Adjust
Cooltime Change35 sec45 sec
Creatrix - 8
Whispering Death - 13
Buff Effect addition-Abnoral Res 15%
(Based on Lv 13)
RuleSacra MasteryEffect ChangePVE damage res +35%PVE damage res +55%Creatrix - 10
Whispering Death - 10
SummonSummoner's MasteryEffect Addition-PVE damage res +50%Creatrix - 10
Whispering Death - 10

[ Segnale ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Trans-UpCurse SerendipityPVP Atk Increase--Healing Hands - 5
Crimson Empress - 5
Healing HandsFast estenEffect Change-Instant Recovery Amount IncreaseHealing Hands - 1010

[ Bagi Warrior ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Tempest Wing
Hit Count Change5타6타
Iron Will - 5
Human Disaster - 5
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Ugly ShoulderSkill Atk Power Increase--Iron Will - 5
Human Disaster - 5
Iron WillRich IronAnimation Time Reduction--Iron Will - 1010

[ Aloken ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
GuardarmShadow catchCooltime Change4sec25secThe Judgment - 5
Sanctuary - 5
Skill Atk Power Increase--
The Judgment - 5
Sanctuary - 5
PVP Atk Increase--
The Judgment
String Judgment
Debuff effect changeAccuracy -550Block -1100
The Judgment - 10
Duration Change5sec7sec
SanctuaryEnviron chuSkill Atk Power Increase--Sanctuary - 10
SanctuaryBlastroAnimation Time Reduction--Sanctuary - 10
SanctuaryGenesis SpearPVP Atk Increase--Sanctuary - 10
SanctuaryPibiStabDuration Change3sec5secSanctuary - 10

[ Dragon Knight ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Duration Change180sec300sec
Ensis - 5
Arae - 10
Cooltime Change15sec45sec
Critical Rizse
Duration Change180sec300sec
Cooltime Change15sec45sec
Duration Change180sec300sec
Cooltime Change15sec45sec
Usage Method ChangeIndividualParty
InatObortanDuration Change90sec180secEnsis - 10
Arae - 15
Demolition ImmobDebuff effect additionMovement speed -32Movement speed -128
Ensis - 5
Arae - 5
Gach BladeHit Count Change4타6타
Meteo Force
Skill Atk Power Increase--
PVP Atk Increase--
Dragon HeartCooltime Change60sec30sec
Chircon - RageAnimation Time Reduction--
Ensis - 10
Flare BoomPVP Atk Increase--
RintsorAnimation Time Reduction--
Arae - 10
Dragon RoarPVP Atk Increase--

[ Segita Shooter ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Wild slugAnimation Time Reduction--Sentinel - 10
Titan - 15
Bulls eyeAnimation Time Reduction--Sentinel - 10
Titan - 15
Crack line
Animation Time Reduction--
Titan - 10
Debuff effect changeDamage Reduction -9%Damage Reduction -10%
Duration Change3sec5sec
PopyrusHit Method ChangePiercing 5Piercing 10Titan - 1010

[ Black Wizard ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Death link
Debuff Effect RemovalApply a Reflect Debuff
to the Target
Destroyer - 10
Distrebyss - 10
Buff Effect addition-Apply a Reflect Buff to
the User's Character
(Duration: 20 seconds)
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Destroyer - 5
Distrebyss - 5
PVP Atk Increase--
Atk Animation Reduction--
Dark PlanetHit Count Change4타5타Destroyer - 5
Distrebyss - 5
EnergyMenacing blastAnimation Time Reduction--Destroyer - 15
Distrebyss - 10
Trans-upSmile of DeathAnimation Time Reduction--Destroyer - 5
Distrebyss - 5
DestroyerAstral DarknessPVP Atk Increase--Destroyer - 1010

[ Segeuriper ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Envoy prisonPVP Atk Increase--
Infelicitas - 5
The Destiny - 5
Curse Gyotin
Hit Count Change4Hits5Hits
PVP Atk Increase--
CurseCursed FogDebuff Effect addition-Destroy -1144Infelicitas- 10
The Destiny - 5
ScytheTigen stormDuration Change40sec90secInfelicitas- 15
The Destiny - 10
InfelicitasCurse CloudPVP Atk Increase--Infelicitas - 1010
The DestinySoul CagePVP Atk Increase--The Destiny - 1010

[ Half Bagi ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Bone Crush
Debuff Effect Bug FixStun effect not displayedStun effect displayed
Venatoris - 5
Exteme Rage - 5
Animation Time Reduction--
Lethal cutterAtk Method ChangeUser-centered atkTarget-centered atkVenatoris - 5
Exteme Rage - 5
Anger hallucination
Skill Atk Power Increase--
Venatoris - 5
Exteme Rage - 5
Atk Animation Reduction--
Force RageHit Count Change6 Hits7 HItsVenatoris - 5
Exteme Rage - 5
Deadly blow
Duration Change3 sec4 sec
Venatoris - 10
Exteme Rage - 5
Animation Modification-Jump motion removed
Hit Count Modification5 Hits3 Hits
Debuff Visual Effect addition--
VenatorisSharp DetonationPVP Atk Increase--Venatoris - 10
ExtremeExplosion CrusherPVP Atk Increase--Exteme Rage - 10

[ Alokes ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Trans-upKarpersHit Timing Reduction--Agres - 5
Matador - 5
ArcterylSkill Range Change6 cell8 cellAgres - 10
StatieSkill Range Change6 cell8 cellAgres - 10
GraminousAtk Method ChangeUser-centered atkTarget-centered atkAgres - 10

[ Trie Muse ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
PVP Atk Increase--
Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Atk Animation Reduction--
EscanaPVP Atk Increase--Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Hatch Lure
PVP Atk Increase--
Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Hit Count Change4타5타
Tron FraudHit Count Change6타7타Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Eye SightBuff Effect addition-Cancel Abn Res 3%Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Crash DefenseDebuff effect changeAll element Res -600All element Res -1000Urania - 10
Talaria - 10
Crash CutDebuff effect changeGuard -10%Guard -20%Urania - 10
Talaria - 10
BardSeparatumDebuff effect change-Abn Res removalUrania - 10
Talaria - 15

-The MP consumption for certain classes' skills will be adjusted as follows

[ MP consumption changes ]

CategorySkill NameChangesPreviousChangeLV by LevelMax Level
Vicious Summoner
Noir Venom
Poison Mist924832
Noir Venom - 10
Dani Sacra942848
Dual Sacra1,046837
Conserra Summoner
Poison Haze924832
Creatrix - 10
Sator Valen924832
Dani Sacra942848
Dual Sacra1,046837
Healing Hands
Curse Serendipity954811
Healing Hands - 10
Mana Crypt1,134851
Crimson Empress
Doom Spiral954811
Crimson Empress -10
Trie museMeisterMovement Skills (All)686480Urania - 5
Talaria - 5
Segita ShooterMeisterMovement Skills (All)851511Heavy Rain - 5
Magnum Shooter - 5

3.  Addition of Damage Display for Complete Magic Resistance

1) When complete resistance to magic attacks occurs, the damage display will now show the [ Immune ] effect.

2) Complete resistance to magic attacks can be checked under [ Stats Window - Magic Resistance ].

■ New Bracelet/Belt Socket Stones Added

New socket stones have been introduced, allowing the addition of a Magic Resistance option. This option reduces damage from magic attacks and increases the chance of complete evasion.

1. New [ Magic Stone Tier 1 to Tier 5] Socket Stones

Item NameOptionEquippable Slots
Magic Stone (Tier 5)All atk power 10% Magic Res+1000Bracelet/Belt
Magic Stone (Tier 4)All atk power 9% Magic Res+700Bracelet/Belt
Magic Stone (Tier 3)All atk power 7% Magic Res+500Bracelet/Belt
Magic Stone (Tier 2)All atk power 5% Magic Res+300Bracelet/Belt
Magic Stone (Tier 1)All atk power 3% Magic Res+100Bracelet/Belt

2. Methods to Obtain Magic Stones

 1) Colosseum Arena [Party Mode] Drop

    - Magic Stones can be obtained by defeating [ Champion ] monsters that appear in the Colosseum Arena [ Party Mode ] . Drops occur randomly.

[ Colosseum Arena ( Party Mode ] Drop list ]

Monster NameItem NameBox SettingContents SettingCategory
Elite Champion Monsters
Magic Stone Supply BoxBindTradableNew
Disaster Stone Supply BoxBindTradableExisting
Elemental Stone Supply BoxbindTradableExisting
Mitera's Anger Fragment-TradableExisting
Fight Ticket-BindExisting
Champion's Token-TradableExisting
100,00 ~ 100,000 DIL--Existing
Colloseum Trophy
Fight Ticket-Existing
Colosseum Champion Bracelet-BindExisting
Colosseum God of War Bracelet-TradableExisting
Longevity Jade Bracelet Ex-BoxTradableTradableExisting
Immortality Jade Bracelet Ex-BoxTradableTradableExisting
Cure-all Jade Bracelet-TradableExisting
War Flag Ex-BoxTradableTradableExisting
Victory Flag Ex-BoxTradableTradableExisting

[ Magic Stone Supply Box Contents ]

Magic Stone Supply Box Contents
Magic stone (Tier 5)
Magic stone (Tier 4)
Magic stone (Tier 3)
Magic stone (Tier 2)
Magic stone (Tier 1)

2) DK Guardian Token Exchange Shop 

-Some Magic Stones can be exchanged at the DK Guardian Token Exchange Shop. These tokens can be obtained as rewards for completing quests   related to the DK Square.

[ DK Guardian Token Exchange Shop List ]

Material QTYReward Item NameReward QTYCategory
15Red Dragon Earrings Ex-Box1Existing
21Crying Red Dragon's Earring Ex-Box1Existing
27Angry Red Dragon's Earring Ex-Box1Existing
15Mystra Blande Necklace Reward Package1Existing
21Mystra Galena Necklace Reward Package1Existing
27Mystra Eliat Necklace Reward Package1Existing
33Mystra Platinum Necklace Reward Pakage1Existing
20Dk Guardians Marble Earring1Existing
3Powerful Farka's Fang 1-Day Ex-Box1Existing
200Dk Guardians Marble Earring1Existing
200Powerful Farka's Fang 1-Day Ex-Box1Existing
200Middle Ages Costume 30 Days Ex-Box1Existing
200Phantom Wings 30 Days Ex-Box1Existing
10Red Dragon's Dk Wings 30 Days Ex-Box1Existing
15Parca's Wings 30 Days Ex-Box1Existing
25God of War Socket 3%1Existing
50God of War Socket 4%1Existing
20Rice Cake Soup (Bind)1Existing
35Rich Rice Cake Soup1Existing
5Mitera's Ghost1Existing
1Seed of Dreams1Existing
1Rank-Up Coin5Existing
30Blessing of Gnire 10%1Existing
5Protectors Select Box1Existing
20Magic Stone (Tier 1)1New
40Magic Stone (Tier 2)1New
60Magic Stone (Tier 3)1New

※ Magic Stone items [ Tier 1 to Tier 3 ], which can be exchanged using DK Guardian Tokens, are bind items and cannot be traded.

■ Improvement: Bracelet/Belt Socket Stone Disassembly

Certain socket stone items, ranging from I to V, that were previously non-disassemblable will now be eligible for disassembly.

[Disassembly Process]

1. Speak with the Carmen NPC in the Ardeca region and select [ Item Disassembly/Socket Stone Machine ].

2. Register the item you wish to disassemble in the item disassembler.

3. Click the [ Disassemble ] button to proceed with the disassembly.

[Additional Socket Stones Eligible for Disassembly]

Item NameSocket Powder
Curse Stone IV157
Poison Stone IV157
Dark Stone IV157
Lightning Stone IV157
Fire Stone IV157
Ice Stone IV157
Curse Stone V204
Poison Stone V204
Dark Stone V204
Lightning Stone V204
Fire Stone V204
Ice Stone V204
Magic Stone (Tier 1)33
Magic Stone (Tier 2)61
Magic Stone (Tier 3)121
Magic Stone (Tier 4)157
Magic Stone (Tier 5)204

※ Disassembly will yield Socket Powder in corresponding quantities.

■ Server Stablilization

■ Sales Announcement

1. Additional Sales

1) Eternal Essence Lucky Box / Tradable / 260 Cash
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on November 21, 2024, until before the maintenance on December 05, 2024
[ Eternal Essence Lucky Box Contents ] 
Eternal Essence100Bind1%
Eternal Essence70Bind3%
Eternal Essence30Bind4%
Eternal Essence20Bind10%
Eternal Essence8Bind15%
Eternal Essence5Bind22%
Eternal Essence3Bind45%

※ You can obtain items from the list based on probability.

2) Fruit Shaved Ice Rune Fortune Box / Tradable / 240 Cash 

* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on November 21, 2024, until before the maintenance on December 05, 2024

[  Fruit Shaved Ice Rune Fortune Box Contents ]

7 Days Box Package10Bind0.02%
7 Days Box Package3Bind0.50%
7 Days Box1Bind1%
3 Days Box1Bind33.88%
1 Day Box1Bind64.60%

※ You can obtain items from the list based on probability.

3) EXP Scroll Random  Box / Tradable  / 150 Cash 

* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on November 21, 2024, until before the maintenance on December 05, 2024

[ EXP Scroll Random Box Contents ]

EXP Scroll 1500%5Tradable0.50%
EXP Scroll 1500%1Tradable4.50%
EXP Scroll 1000%5Tradable0.80%
EXP Scroll 1000%1Tradable5.00%
EXP Scroll 700%5Tradable2.50%
EXP Scroll 700%1Tradable5.00%
EXP Scroll 500%5Tradable3.50%
EXP Scroll 500%1Tradable10.00%
EXP Scroll 300%5Tradable9.00%
EXP Scroll 300%1Tradable18.00%
EXP Scroll 200%5Tradable19.50%
EXP Scroll 200%2Tradable21.70%

※ You can obtain items from the list based on probability.

4) New Armor Socket Lucky Box / Tradable / 240 Cash  

* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on November 21, 2024, until before the maintenance on December 05, 2024

[ New Armor Socket Lucky Box contens]

Health Critical Res Stone 8%1Tradable0.1
Health Critical Res Stone 7%1Tradable0.25
Health All Defense 841Tradable0.1
Health All Defense 791Tradable0.25
Health All Defense 671Tradable0.5
Health Sadonyx 551Tradable0.1
Health Sadonyx 401Tradable0.25
Health Medial 2201Tradable0.1
Health Medial 1891Tradable0.5
Health Guard Bijou 1211Tradable0.15
Health Guard Bijou 1101Tradable0.25
Sardonyx 551Tradable1
Sardonyx 401Tradable2
Critical Hit Resistance Stone 6%1Tradable2
Sardonyx 301Tradable3
Critical Hit Resistance Stone 5%1Tradable3
All Defense 841Tradable1
All Defense 791Tradable2
Sardonyx 251Tradable5
All Defense 731Tradable4
All Defense 671Tradable5
All Defense 611Tradable6
Guard Bijou 1531Tradable8
Guadrd Bijou 1421Tradable11
Medial 2201Tradable8
Medial 1891Tradable12.5
Blocking Bijou 781Tradable10
Blocking Bijou 601Tradable13.95

※ You can obtain it randomly based on probability.

5) Bracelet/Belt (Socket) Lucky BoxTradable / 180 Cash   

* Sales Period: Available for Permanent Sale

Magic Stone (Tier 5)10.08%
Disaster Stone V Ex-Box10.05%
Elemental Stone V Ex-Box10.05%
Magic Stone (Tier 4)10.12%
Disaster Stone IV Selection Box10.10%
Elemental Stone IV Selection Box10.10%
God of War Socket 6%10.10%
Magic Stone (Tier 3)10.25%
Disaster Stone III Selection Box10.20%
Elemental Stone III Selection Box10.20%
God of War Socket 5%10.50%
Magic Stone (Tier 2)17.95%
Disaster Stone II Selection Box17.00%
Elemental Stone II Selection Box17.00%
Magic Stone (Tier 1)117.00%
Disaster Stone I Selection Box115.00%
Elemental Stone I Selection Box115.00%
Disaster Rune5014.65%
Elemental Rune5014.65%

※ You can obtain it randomly based on probability.

2.Sales Conclusion

 - The following sales will end after this regular maintenance. 

  *Pumpkin Big Candy x90 Ex-Box
  *Brazilian Coffee Beans x160 Ex-Box
  *SkillBook Lucky Box
  *Zuto's Infused Soul Luck Box
  *Accessory Crafter's Lucky Box 
  *Buff Selection Box

■ Event Termination and Item Removal

 - The following item will end after this regular maintenance.

  *EXP Scroll 300%

  *Great God's Card Random Box

  *Great Powder Random Box

  *EXP Scroll 1000%

  *EXP Scroll 1700%

  *Enhanced Skillful Combat 1000% 3 Day Ex-Box

  *Shining Polish Ex-Box

  *Pumpkin Rune 3 Days Ex-Box

  *Pumpkin Rune 1 Day Ex-Box

■ Improvements and Bug Fixes 
[Error]  Fixed the issue where the Champion's Weapon +10 could not be branded.

Updates may be subject to change due to internal circumstances.   

We will always strive to be the best 'Dekaron' we can be.

Thank you.

Ubifungames DEKARON Discord : https://discord.gg/xTyPUuVM6g

Ubifungames DEKARON Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dekaron.UbiFun

Ubifungames DEKARON YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DEKARONUBIFUNGAMES_Official

Game Level Information

Dekarons are PG 15

Banned Dekaron(LIGHT) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels PG 15 Classification Number No. CL-080924-002
Rating Date 2008.09.24 Game Production Registration number No. 2016-000014

Dekarons are Not available to youthThis is a game product..

Banned Dekaron(HARD) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels Not available to youth Classification Number CL-070307-010
Rating Date 2007.03.07 Game Production Registration number 2016-000014