
[Announcement] Patch Details for October 24, 2024
| 24.10.23 12:51 | Views: 30,341


From the Dekaron Operations Team.

We are pleased to inform you of the patch details to be implemented after the

scheduled maintenance on October 24, 2024.


-Dungeon Entry Redution & Super Pass Improvements - Phase 2

[ Go to RENOVATION page ]

■ Notice of Dungeon Improvements

In order to reduce the fatigue caused by having to repeatedly participate in multiple dungeons daily,

we will be implementing the following improvements to the dungeons:

  [ Target Dungeon ]

Target Dungeon
Python CastleFavnil's Nest
ElleghosDeath Corridor
Scream CaveSiz Temple
Karon's Transport(Solo)-


 [ Improvements ]

1. Reduction in Dungeon Entry Attempts

Python Castle5 times
Favnil's Nest5 times
Death Corridor5 times
Scream Cave5 times
Siz Temple5 times
Elleghos5 times
Karon's Transport(Solo)4 times


2. Increase in EXP Earned

    1) The amount of experience points you can earn will increase in accordance with the reduction in dungeon entry attempts.

    2) In the case of the Python Castle, the score awarded for releasing [ prisoners ] in the prison area will be increased.

         * Previous : 2,000 Points

         * Change : 3,500 Points

3. Change in Dungeon Entry Fees

118Python Castle1 ~ 2nd / 3 ~ 5th Super Pass x21 ~ 2nd free / 3rd Super Pass x2
168Favnil's Nest1 ~ 2nd / 3 ~ 5th Super Pass x21 ~ 2nd free / 3rd Super Pass x2
140Elleghos1 ~ 2nd / 3 ~ 5th Super Pass x21 ~ 2nd free / 3rd Super Pass x2
170Death Corridor1 ~ 2nd / 3 ~ 5th Super Pass x21 ~ 2nd free / 3rd Super Pass x2
168Scream Cave1 ~ 5th 500,000 DIL1 ~ 3th 500,000 DIL
185Siz Temple1 ~ 5th 1,000,000 DIL1 ~ 3th 1,000,000 DIL
185Karon's Transport(Solo)1st free / 2 ~ 4th Super Pass x21st free / 2 ~ 3rd Super Pass x2

※ On October 24, 2024, during the regular maintenance, the entry attempts for the improved dungeons will be reset, allowing

    you to re-enter the dungeons based on the daily entry limit.



4. Change in Entrance Lv for the Death Corridor

       To address the issue of the entrance level being too low for the dungeon difficulty, the entry level will be adjusted as follows:

       *Previous : Lv1

       *Change : Lv 170

5. Dungeon Difficulty Reduction

Python CastleDeux Marble (Boss): Difficulty reduced / Escort troops' attack power and HP reduced
Favnil's NestFavnil (Boss): Difficulty reduced
ElleghosIlias, Irias, Sellias, Mellias (Bosses): Attack power, defense, and HP reduced
Scream CaveAttack power reduced / Frequency of critical damage attacks reduced
Siz TempleAbyss Oread (Boss): HP reduced / Lesser Hatchling's bleeding effect frequency reduced


 6. Increase in Item Drop Rates for Some Dungeons

 - Siz Temple -

  ※  The quantity and drop rates of items from floors 1 to 4 will be adjusted.

1st floor - Chimera

Transcendent Light Fragment (Bind)1Bind
Disassembly Hammer1Tradable
Young World Tree's fruit1Bind
Mysterious Jewel1Bind
DIL30,000 ~ 50,000


2nd floor - Vipronz

Transcendent Light Fragment (Bind)1Bind
Disassembly Hammer1Tradable
Young World Tree's fruit1Bind
Mysterious Jewel1Bind
DIL30,000 ~ 50,000

3rd floor - Barak

Transcendent Light Fragment (Bind)2Bind
Disassembly Hammer1Tradable
Young World Tree's fruit1Bind
Mysterious Jewel1Bind
DIL50,000 ~ 70,000


4th floor - Orphion

Transcendent Light Fragment (Bind)3Bind-
Disassembly Hammer1Tradable-
Young World Tree's fruit1 → 2BindQTY Change
Mitera's Anger Fragment1Tradable-
Mitera's Insanity Fragment1Tradable-
Independent Necklace1Tradable-
Mysterious Jewel2Bind-
DIL100,000 ~ 200,000-
※ [ Young World Tree’s fruit ] dropped has been changed from 1 to 2.

5th floor - Abyss Oread

Abyss Oread (Boss) drop rate for Mysterious Jewel has been adjusted.

*Previous QTY: x1

*Change QTY: x3


- Scream Cave -

  * The drop rates of the following items have been increased.

Red Monkey Earrings
Red Monkey Earrings +1
Red Monkey Earrings +2
Red Monkey Earrings +3
Red Monkey Earrings +4
Red Monkey Earrings +5
Red Monkey Earrings +6
Red Monkey Earrings +7
Sun Wukong Costume 3 Days Ex-Box
Disassembly Hammer
Sun Wukong Costume Ex-Box
New Type Sun Wukong Costume Ex-Box
Red Monkey Captain's Earring Ex-Box


■ Improvements and Bug Fixes 

[Error] NPC Ishtar Menu [EVENT] Dragon Soul Exchange Shop [Exchange] "Get Dragon Soul" option,

which had previously been removed, has been re-added.

[Error] Dungeon UI text adjustments:

Favnil's Nest Change: "Instance Dungeon Closing Time" → "End In"
Elleghos Change: "Boss Spawn Countdown" → "Boss Spawn" / "Instance Dungeon Closing Time" → "End In"

Siz Temple Change: "Resummon Buff Stone" → "Resummon Stone" / "Buff Stone Expires in" → "Stone Expiring" /
"Death Avoid Appears" → "Death Avoid" / "Summon Oried Power" → "Oried Power"

[Error] The issue where the entry ticket was not issued after the first dungeon entry in Elleghos has been fixed

■ Server Stablilization

■ Sales Announcement 

1. Additional sales

1) Rondo's Shining Lucky Box / Tradable / 225 Cash  
2) Rondo's Shining Lucky Box (Multi) / Tradable / 2200 Cash  
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on October 24, 2024, until before the maintenance on November 07, 2024
[Rondo's Shining Lucky Box Contents]
Item NameSettingQuantityProbablity 
Sprit of BlacksmitTradable10.02
Blacksmit's Gloy 30%Tradable10.01
Socket PilerTradable10.02
Rondo's Weapon Ex-BoxTradable13.50
Rondo's Armor Ex-BoxTradable15.00
Hellion's Weapon Ex-BoxTradable19.00
Hellion's Armor Ex-BoxTradable111.00
Brand Option LockTradable17.00
Condensed Gold ArgateTradable519.50
Condensed Silver ArgateTradable519.50
Soul Stone 100%Tradable525.45

3) Arcadia's Inspiration 24 Pack BOGO / Bind / 770 Cash / Limit 10 times per Account
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on October 24, 2024, until before the maintenance on November 07, 2024
[ Arcadia's Inspiration 24 Pack BOGO Contents ]
Item NameSettingQTY
Arcadia's Inspiration 24 PackBind1
Arcadia's Inspiration 24 PackBind1

4) Arcadia's Inspiration 50 Pack BOGO / Bind / 1540 Cash /  Limit 5 times per Account
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on October 24, 2024, until before the maintenance on November 07, 2024
[ Arcadia's Inspiration 50 Pack BOGO Contents ]
Item NameSettingQTY
Arcadia's Inspiration 50 PackBind1
Arcadia's Inspiration 50 PackBind1

5) Parka's Rune Lucky Box / Tradable / 240 Cash 
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on October 24, 2024, until before the maintenance on November 07, 2024
Parka's Rune Lucky Box Contents ]
ContentsQuantitySettingContents SettingProbability
Parka's Rune 7 Days Ex-Box10TradableBind0.02
Parka's Rune 7 Days Ex-Box3TradableBind0.50
Parka's Rune 7 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind1.00
Parka's Rune 3 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind33.88
Parka's Rune 1 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind64.60

6) Aquanic Rune Lucky Box / Tradable / 190 Cash 
* Sales Period: From after the maintenance on October 24, 2024, until before the maintenance on November 07, 2024
Aquanic Rune Lucky Box Contents ]
ContentsQuantitySettingContents SettingProbability
Aquanic Rune 7 Days Ex-Box10TradableBind0.02
Aquanic Rune 7 Days Ex-Box3TradableBind0.50
Aquanic Rune 7 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind1.00
Aquanic Rune 3 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind33.88
Aquanic Rune 1 Days Ex-Box1TradableBind64.60

2. Sales Conclusion

 - The following sales will end after this regular maintenance. 

   * Eternal Essence Lucky Box

   * Fruit Shaved Ice Rune Fortune Box

   * Trieste's Key x20 Ex-Box

   * EXP Scroll Random Box

Updates may be subject to change due to internal circumstances.   

We will always strive to be the best 'Dekaron' we can be.

Thank you.

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Ubifungames DEKARON Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dekaron.UbiFun

Ubifungames DEKARON YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DEKARONUBIFUNGAMES_Official

Game Level Information

Dekarons are PG 15

Banned Dekaron(LIGHT) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels PG 15 Classification Number No. CL-080924-002
Rating Date 2008.09.24 Game Production Registration number No. 2016-000014

Dekarons are Not available to youthThis is a game product..

Banned Dekaron(HARD) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels Not available to youth Classification Number CL-070307-010
Rating Date 2007.03.07 Game Production Registration number 2016-000014