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Few thing to Ubifun
147.235.***.*** | 25.01.17 09:50 | Views : 2,246 | 1

Dear UbiFun,

I have started playing this game since 2moons, with breaks of many years.

The game's characteristics has been changed  drastically.

The game is less fun.

The JUMP Event has ruined the game.

I was playing and investing time on the game to LVL up to 183 and now I can just Jump and skip everything directly to 190.

The game is 90% empty on most of the maps, with most of the players condensed on very few maps. 

The game has used to be much more fun.

The Leveling is too easy.

Too many help items from the System.

It used to be more fun to invest time in the game and to try to create precious items.

Personal Shops are almost useless now...

Please fix the game as it used to be,

When people had more parties to Level up together,

It was not too easy to level up at small levels and it was not too hard to level up at higher levels.

Too many people use "BOT" Machines and it makes the game less playable.

For Example the Spider room in Doomed Maze.

All of the servers full of Bots and to kill the Queen takes years.

Same goes to other servers.

You should make the game more Socializing on the leveling up, instead of being team only at Battlefields.

I play alone...

It is boring, on 2moons I have had a lot of friends that Level up with me.

    Game Level Information

    Dekarons are PG 15

    Banned Dekaron(LIGHT) Name Ubifun Studio
    Access Levels PG 15 Classification Number No. CL-080924-002
    Rating Date 2008.09.24 Game Production Registration number No. 2016-000014

    Dekarons are Not available to youthThis is a game product..

    Banned Dekaron(HARD) Name Ubifun Studio
    Access Levels Not available to youth Classification Number CL-070307-010
    Rating Date 2007.03.07 Game Production Registration number 2016-000014