Guild Board

Looking for members
103.210.***.*** | 24.05.12 14:51 | Views : 3,230 | Server : TRIESTE | Guild Name : Niflheim

Hello Team,

For those players seeking to join the most prestigious and overpowered guild in Dekaron, read the following requirements.

1. You must be level 220+ and elite guardian rank minimum
2. You must submit your PC to TeamViewer inspection upon request
3. You must pay 1x35% grace weekly per character in guild, paid on 1 hour after siege, 1 week in advaance
4. provide 100 mil ADV points on joining.
5. bend the knee to Kurako

If you cannot meet these requirements, you need not apply.

  • OoNakedXDTRIESTE | 2024-05-12 18:11 | 109.255.***.***

    All sounds fair, to be honest.

    KurakoTRIESTE | 2024-05-16 10:31 | 103.210.***.***

    I know right! its not asking for much, and you get soo much in return :D

  • Deem69JokerTRIESTE | 2024-05-27 15:17 | 162.226.***.***


  • SayoriiTRIESTE | 2024-07-30 23:35 | 188.88.***.***

    Lmao at 2

Game Level Information

Dekarons are PG 15

Banned Dekaron(LIGHT) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels PG 15 Classification Number No. CL-080924-002
Rating Date 2008.09.24 Game Production Registration number No. 2016-000014

Dekarons are Not available to youthThis is a game product..

Banned Dekaron(HARD) Name Ubifun Studio
Access Levels Not available to youth Classification Number CL-070307-010
Rating Date 2007.03.07 Game Production Registration number 2016-000014